Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, October 22, 2011

We're Expecting!

That's right folks! Matthew and I are expecting our first child, sometime around April 30th 2012! We are so thrilled and happy and thankful for this blessing from the Lord! I thought in the blog I would write about each trimester and things I'm experiencing, feeling, and how our lives are changing.

Matthew and I decided that we were ready to start a family, and felt that the Lord had shown us it was time to have children; this was November 2010. 9 months later we found out we were pregnant. That 9 months was a trying time. The hardest part was hearing about and being told that so many of my friends, co-workers and acquaintances were pregnant. Although I was very happy and excited for them, there was a part of me that was sad, wondering when it would be my turn. It was a challenge in my faith; teaching me to truly trust God that His timing is perfect, and He will show His plan when the time is right. I am so thankful for God's peace and His perfect plan. I am also thankful for my one friend who was also struggling with the same issue. She was a great encouragement to me! And, looking back, I might possibly understand why God gave us this blessing at the time He did! It's amazing to look back and think, wow, God really is awesome and has everything planned out for what is best for us! If only I could remember this every day when I worry about things or 'forget' that His timing is perfect. And, now we are pregnant and so thankful for this new chapter in our lives!!

Right now I am 12 1/2 weeks...almost finished with my first trimester. It has been an interesting 3 months!


In August I started to notice that I was getting very irritable. I was cranky not only at home, but also at work! This was very unusual for me, especially to snap at a nurse at work! I had a suspicion that I was pregnant, but really didn't know for sure. On August 25th I took a pregnancy test in the morning. I had to take Matt's car to be inspected, as he was at work, so I continued with my morning activities. When I went back to the test, it said 'Pregnant.' I got so excited! I didn't know what to do...I wanted Matt to be the first person I told, yet he was at work! So I got myself together and took his car to be inspected. While there, I told Katie because she had been such an encouragement and had been praying for me! On the way home...4 hours later, I stopped and got another box of pregnancy tests ha ha. I wanted to be sure! I took another one, and yes, it was also positive!

So I wrapped the 2 tests in a box to give to Matt. When he got home from work I told him he was getting a gift because I love him. He thought it was a watch that he has been waiting for, so he said (in his goofy voice), "Oh, is it about 'time' I get this gift?!" I said, "Yes, it is about time that you get this gift." ha ha We think it's funny...maybe just to us :) So he opens it, and at first just looks (he didn't quite understand for a couple seconds). Then he says "Really??" Starts jumping around, picks me up and keeps jumping ha ha. He was quite thrilled at this news! That night we talked about how happy we are, thanked the Lord for His gift to us, and took pictures of the tests. We were just so thrilled and happy!! I know, though, that I didn't quite comprehend that there was a life growing inside me. I knew the baby was there, but it just didn't seem real. I'm sure though soon enough it will feel real...enter first trimester...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

An Update!

Praise the Lord! A lot has happened since my last update here. I am still working at Oswego Hospital as a Registered nurse...Registered. Yes, I passed my boards!! And, Matt is now employed at Rapid Response in the call center, and he is enjoying it!

We have some new steps ahead of us. Matt is starting his Master's degree next Monday. He will be getting a Master's in History. He has also applied to the Army through ROTC (Reserved Officer Training Core). He has been medically approved, and we are just waiting for paperwork to go through. If this is God's plan, he will start training next summer to be in the Army, and in 2 years, after his degree is complete, he will go to Officer Training School. Then, we will be stationed wherever they send us. We are hoping for somewhere pretty awesome like Hawaii, Alaska, or Germany, maybe even Japan. But, we'll see where God sends us.

Matt is extremely excited about this new step in our lives. He spent 5 years in the Marines and misses it. I, however, am still trying to get on board with this decision. Due to the lack of teaching jobs (which is what Matt's degree is), and the economic situation, we feel that the Lord was leading him back to the military. This is not the kind of life I had wanted, but I'm trusting the Lord to see us through and give us strength.

I think that's all the updates I have for now. I will try to update more often! God bless!