Our Family

Our Family

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

An Update!

Praise the Lord! A lot has happened since my last update here. I am still working at Oswego Hospital as a Registered nurse...Registered. Yes, I passed my boards!! And, Matt is now employed at Rapid Response in the call center, and he is enjoying it!

We have some new steps ahead of us. Matt is starting his Master's degree next Monday. He will be getting a Master's in History. He has also applied to the Army through ROTC (Reserved Officer Training Core). He has been medically approved, and we are just waiting for paperwork to go through. If this is God's plan, he will start training next summer to be in the Army, and in 2 years, after his degree is complete, he will go to Officer Training School. Then, we will be stationed wherever they send us. We are hoping for somewhere pretty awesome like Hawaii, Alaska, or Germany, maybe even Japan. But, we'll see where God sends us.

Matt is extremely excited about this new step in our lives. He spent 5 years in the Marines and misses it. I, however, am still trying to get on board with this decision. Due to the lack of teaching jobs (which is what Matt's degree is), and the economic situation, we feel that the Lord was leading him back to the military. This is not the kind of life I had wanted, but I'm trusting the Lord to see us through and give us strength.

I think that's all the updates I have for now. I will try to update more often! God bless!