Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, February 11, 2012

First Trimester

Well, now that I'm in my third trimester, I'm finally getting around to writing about the first two ha ha! Because I waited so long I'm sure there are things I've forgotten, but here is most of it!

For the first few weeks I felt great! Didn't even feel pregnant, so I took two more pregnancy tests (4 in total)! Ya know, a week later just to be certain :) At about 6 to 7 weeks I started to feel some morning sickness. It usually came in the morning because I hadn't eaten all night. But through the day I had to learn to eat more frequently (usually every hour or hour and a half) so that I would not feel sick. As long as my stomach had food in it, I felt pretty good! It would still hit now and then, though, even if I had eaten. I rarely felt nauseous though. If I was going to be sick, I had just a minute or so of warning. I'm thankful that I didn't have weeks of feeling nauseous! That is one of the worst feelings. I didn't have any cravings at this point, although I found out that I could not longer eat eggs, drink orange juice, or smell Alfredo sauce. Through about the first 3 months I was having horrible headaches...they would make me sick to my stomach. They came almost every day, and sometimes one would last for 2 or 3 days. The only relief I could get from them was to sleep. My midwife suggested a Magnesium supplement, however by the time I got around to asking about it, and thinking about getting them, the headaches were gone.

For a while I wasn't showing at all. Then slowly, maybe about 10 weeks or so, I could notice a difference, and my pants wouldn't close anymore! Other people still couldn't tell, Matt was kinda able to notice, but I certainly could ha ha! It was exciting to think about all the changes happening, and about this little baby growing in me!

At my first official OB appointment they did blood work, and lots of it! I remember being nervous about being stuck with a needle (even though I do it to people every day), and losing so much blood. But Matt was there with me, and held my hand! I had my snack there with me too, so I wouldn't be getting sick in the office. We were given lots of information this day, and lots of reading material. We met one of the midwives at this visit. We were informed that due to my bone structure I may have to have a C-section if the baby weighed more than 7 lbs. While we were not thrilled to hear this, we were both staying positive and not worrying about that possibility.

Everything looked good though at this appointment! Baby's heartbeat was strong and fast! It was so awesome to hear it beating! Letting us know there is a little life developing in me! What an amazing feeling to know that the Lord had blessed us with this child, and that it was in me...part of me!

For the most not a lot happened during the first trimester. We told all our family and friends, coworkers, and just enjoyed the excitement! I'm thankful that it was an uneventful time, though. A wonderful healthy baby on the way! We were excited to soon find out what we were going to be having! That comes with the second trimester...