Our Family

Our Family

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Our Birth Story: Part Three

Woohoo! We were finally taken to our room to have the baby after 11am! Exact times are a big foggy for me. Our nurse carried all our stuff for us, and Matt helped me walk the hall to our room. It was right next to the room we were in the night before. Once in the room, my nurse hooked me up to the monitor to watch contractions and babies' heartbeat. I wasn't happy to be on the monitor, but if I had wanted to walk around they could have given me a portable one. However, I was content staying in the room at this point. Contractions were still coming quite close together, so while the nurse was getting things ready, I just held on to Matt and rocked back and forth. There were a few papers to fill out and sign at this point; now I don't remember what they were all for. It took a little while to do it, cause I had to keep stopping for contractions. My nurse was in the room doing things, don't know what, and brought me a pitcher of water. I was so happy that I could drink water! My mouth was so dry, and it just kept getting more dry as labor went on. She did hang a bag of saline and ran it through my IV throughout labor. Before I hadn't wanted anything through my IV unless necessary, but I really didn't care, and couldn't drink through the contractions, so the fluids helped.

So for quite a while Matt and I just rocked back and forth. The pain was still manageable while doing breathing exercises. Around maybe 1pm I started to feel a lot of pressure, but wasn't ready to start pushing yet. So even though the pain was manageable, the pressure was pretty intense. I asked for some pain medicine through my iv thinking it would help ease some of the pressure feeling, or help with the pain so the pressure was more manageable. Next time I will know not to ask for it ha ha! I had decided before I went into labor that I would accept iv pain meds, but nothing else (like an epidural). So I was not upset to ask for these meds. I had to get into bed for her to give me the pain medicine. She gave me some Phenergan too in case the Demorol made me nauseous. I remember laying there on my side, with Matt behind me rubbing my back and holding my hand thinking things will feel a little bit better now. That was not the case! The medicine did absolutely nothing for me other than make me tired ha ha! So I now know not to have it again! Now I had to stay in bed and deal with the contractions instead of being able to be up moving. So Matt sat there with me, helping me out. Not long after, I felt a contraction come, and felt a pop and wetness! I jumped a little from surprise, and said 'oh! there goes my water!' Matt leaped of the bed! I guess I kinda startled him, and he didn't want to get any on him ha ha. My water had broken! So Matt called the nurse and she came right in. She wanted me to move around in bed so she could clean it all up, but I said no! I told her I didn't care if I was laying in it for a little while, but I couldn't roll around or lift myself up while these contractions were coming. They were extremely close together now! I don't remember how far apart they were at this point, but not very much at all! So my nurse just put extra linen under me so I wasn't laying in a mess and cleaned up what she could. She held up the mucous plug so that we could see it, and it was gross looking! She said most people want to see it ha ha!

Pretty much things continued like this for a while. Matthew was so good about helping me, getting me water, keeping me together. The pressure was increasing, and that was the worst part of it all! The baby had not dropped at all before labor started, so he was still pretty high, however I could feel the pressure of his head coming down. Maybe around 3:00 or 3:30 pm I knew I had to start pushing. I don't know if I told the nurse I needed to, or if she told me to, or if I just started, or what happened ha ha. But then I started pushing! It took a few contractions before I began pushing the right way. My nurse kept saying 'push in your bottom, not in your face.' That was hard to do. Keeping my face relaxed was so hard! It seemed like I pushed for a long time. My Dr. had come in, and was checking the babies' progress. She had said right away I was 10cm dilated and things looked good. Matt was on one side and my nurse on the other encouraging me. 30 minutes passed and I was so tired from all the pushing! He had come down a little, but I could not get him past zero station. My Dr. said that an epidural could possibly work to relax my body, and let the contractions push the baby down for me. However, the epidural could also slow down labor, and possibly result in a c-section. I knew I did not want a section, but I also knew I could not keep pushing without progress. So I welcomed the epidural.

Just after 4pm the anesthesiologist came in to do the epidural. I sat on the side of the bed with my feet up on a garbage can with my nurse in front of me holding my hands. I think I may have given her some nail marks when the contractions hit! It was incredibly difficult to sit at this point! They made Matt move off to the side, but he did watch the anesthesiologist. Thankfully when a contraction hit he stopped working and let me breathe through it! The epidural wasn't a drip, but it was just a little bit of the medicine put right in through the catheter. I would only last a little while. It did not take him long at all to get it done, and very soon after I felt the effects! It was wonderful! I had to make sure I could wiggle my toes before he left, and then I laid down in bed and was semi-comfortable! I was so thankful for this, because I was able to sleep about 45 minutes! I didn't feel the contractions at all, and the pressure was minimal! I don't know what Matt did during this time that I was asleep. After about 45 minutes I felt the contractions come back full force! So I started my breathing again, and the pressure was incredible! I knew it was time to get this baby out! Thankfully, during my rest, my body did it's job and pushed the baby down far enough so that I could push him out! No slowing down of labor for me ha ha!

So the nurse dropped the end of the bed, and the real deal began! At first I labored lounging in bed (like you see most people do in movies I guess). But it just wasn't comfortable and was more difficult I thought. So the nurse got a squat bar, and attached it to the end of the bed. I liked this much better, because gravity could help out too! That's how I did most of my labor. My nurse was so awesome at keeping me focused and pushing the correct way! She is the model nurse for labor and delivery! Matt did so good too on the other side keeping my hydrated and encouraging me! I was getting pretty tired, and was super duper uncomfortable! The pain was still manageable, but once again it was all the pressure that was driving me crazy! The epidural had completely worn off before this, so I was on my own for pain management. Once the babies' head was down down down, I got back into the bed to deliver him so that the Dr. could see him and help. At this point I remember praying that God would speed up the deliver and give me strength to do this!

My Dr. kept saying 'push right here, past this point.' So I imagined pushing the baby out to the wall across from me ha ha! Had to get past the point she was talking about! By this time I was unable to hold my own legs up, so any time I was ready to push my nurse grabbed one, and Matt the other, and they held them for me. Pretty soon, or what seemed soon, my Dr. said his head was right there, and Matt was able to see him! A couple more nurses appeared in the room to help after delivery, and a resident came in to work with my dr. At this point I was feeling extremely nauseous, and apparently I told them so, cause I was handed an emesis bag and a cool washcloth was put on my head. I thought for sure my chocolate chip waffles were coming up! That never happened though, and I lost site of the bag. I was quite thankful I didn't need it! A couple more pushes and my nurse asked if I wanted to touch my babies' head! I said no, I just wanted to get him out! So I kept pushing! I know that I felt the burning that they talk about in class, but I don't remember it now, but as soon as his head was right there, all pain left! Well, the pain left before that, but the burning pain left at this point. It was all just pressure, fun fun! I felt his head come out, but was unable to feel any tearing...thankfully! My nurse said stop pushing and take some fast short breaths. It was so very hard not to keep pushing, but she breathed with me and helped me! They had to suction out the babies' mouth and nose and make sure the cord wasn't around him. Then I gave another push or two, and that was it! I didn't even know his body had come out, as I had no feeling down there anymore. My nurse said reach down and grab your baby! And I said where is he? ha ha I didn't know he was out!

So I reached down and took him from the dr. That was the happiest moment of the whole day! Matthew was crying, kissing me, touching William. I was so relieved it was over! I always thought I would cry like a baby when I saw him the first time, but I was so relieved and happy I just held him close and smiled! He was so precious! It was kinda hard to hold on to him cause he was so slippery and covered in ickyness ha ha! But we were so happy our baby boy was here with us! And he looked perfect! Matt cut the umbilical cord; had to cut twice. After a little while they took William to weigh him and check him out in the warmer. Meanwhile the Dr. and resident had removed the placenta. I always thought I would have to push and work hard to get it out, but my dr. massaged my stomach while the resident gently pulled the cord, and it came right out! I was shocked at the easiness of it. So while they were stitching me up Matthew got some pictures of William and the nurses did all their newborn care. I rememebr looking at William, and seeing how big he was, and thinking 'how did all this baby fit inside of me?' The nurse handed Will back to me in a blanket this time, and it was much easier to hold onto him ha ha! I held him, then let Matt hold him, and it was precious they way he looked at Matt as though he knew Matt was his daddy! William cried when he was first born, but then seemed content after that!

It took the resident a long time to stitch me up. It was his first time doing it, and I had a 3rd degree tear, with some sideways tearing as well. That was due to Will's little hand coming out beside his face! I felt a couple pokes at one point, but really didn't know they were doing anything; I was just so happy to be holding our baby! Once that was all done, my awesome nurse gave me a glove with ice in it because it was much better than the ice packs they had. I had to have a foley catheter in over night because I was so swollen I couldn't empty my bladder on my own. That was uncomfortable, but it worked to help my uterus get back into place! We stayed in the delivery room for about 2 1/2 hours after delivery. I was able to feed him for the first time there! About 10:30pm our nurse took us to the postpartum unit. Getting out of bed into a wheelchair (even sitting on two pillows) felt like torture! My nurse had brought me pain medicine a while before that, but it was still quite painful. I was sad to have to switch nurses, because we loved our delivery nurse, but thankfully we had awesome nurses the whole time!

Once in the postpartum unit our nurse did our admission (it was strange being asked all the admission questions, instead of being the one to ask them ha ha). They took Will to the nursery to give him a bath and do his check. Then he was with us all night! We kept him in the room with us unless they had to take him. The next day all our families came to visit and see William! Our room was packed full of people, but it was wonderful! We were so happy for everyone to see our precious baby! Because of the pain medicine, I was quite spaced out! I don't remember everything that happened these recovering days, and wasn't able to interact a whole lot with visitors. But it was still wonderful to have them there! That night the nurse took Will to the nursery in between feedings because he wasn't sleeping so I was awake with him. She wanted me to get some sleep. I missed him so much while he was gone though! Matt was able to stay in the room with us because we were given a private room! I couldn't imagine having to share a room while recovering from giving birth! We stayed two nights, and left on Monday. A few times we met with a lactation consultant to try and help William eat better. And it helped, because once we were home he was doing just fine! When we were leaving on Monday aroun 5pm, it felt strange to be leaving with a new baby! I had mixed feelings; I was excited to be starting this new adventure together, nervous we were going to do something wrong, and wanting to stay a little longer so the nurses would be there just in case we needed them ha ha! But overall, I was happy to be going home as a family of 3 :)

I am so thankful to the Lord that labor was fast, and not as difficult as it could have been! We had a wonderful experience, with wonderful nurses! Labor lasted about 12 hours from start to finish! We are so incredibly thankful for our son William, and we love him so much! I had people tell me before that they don't remember all the pain they went through, and I never really knew that that could be true. However, a couple days after delivery, the whole process seemed like a long time ago dream! I cannot remember the pain, burning or pressure feelings! I know I had them, and that I was uncomfortable, but it almost doesn't seem like it really even happened. My sister Abby told me that's God's way of helping us forget! Maybe so we'll have more babies! Because of our great experience, and our beautiful child, I will definitely have more when the Lord blesses us with more!

We are loving life as a little family! Our son is healthy and adorable! We thank God for His blessings and His health and protection for us during pregnancy and delivery! Our lives are so much richer now, and we are looking forward to continuing our journey as a family!

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